Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Beer Fridge

For as long as Matt and I have been in a relationship, his family has enjoyed teasing me about being an “alcoholic”. Because I drink “so much” at any given time (half a glass of wine, for example), I’ve eared a reputation as “the family alkie”. But now I finally have a point with which to defend myself: The Beer Fridge.
Our sweet little German kitchen has a built-in refrigerator that is about a quarter of the size of a standard American fridge. So Matt and I got an American-sized fridge on loan from the base that we will be able to keep for as long as we’re in Germany. But this presented us with a minor problem: what to do with the German fridge? For weeks it sat there, empty and lonely, just waiting for a purpose. Until two days ago.
Matt and I had just returned from a trip to Globus, which happens to sell an abundance of different types of beer. After getting everything else we needed, we had picked up a few bottles and headed home. This was when the idea popped into Matt’s head that the only proper use for the German fridge would be to officially designate it as The Beer Fridge. This would keep all the beer nice and cold and in its own special place, and better still, there was room enough in the fridge to keep the beer glasses chilled as well. Then I thought, if we’re going to put a bunch of bottles of beer in The Beer Fridge, why not also add the bottle of wine that Eugen had brought by that afternoon? To Matt, this idea was absolutely ridiculous, because apparently adding a bottle of wine would “compromise the integrity of The Beer Fridge” (Matt’s words, not mine). It was at this point that I just rolled my eyes and sighed, pretending to be totally exasperated. I was laughing on the inside, though. 

So now, as long as The Beer Fridge exists in our kitchen, no one can make fun of me. I'll just point to Matt and his Beer Fridge.